Membership benefits

How is this club different from standard Toastmasters Clubs?

Toastmasters International LogoAs an Advanced Toastmasters Club, Professional Speakers Frankfurt is only open to experienced members who have completed the Toastmasters Competent Communicator level or are advanced speakers with proven experience outside the Toastmasters world. Therefore, we can focus on more advanced issues.

What can you expect as a member?

More longer and advanced projects

Rather than having the majority of speeches from the Competent Communicator manual we focus on advanced projects or practice speeches outside of Toastmasters manuals. We prepare members for speech competitions or help someone with an upcoming professional or other important speech.

More feedback

Instead of having only one evaluator, all attendees will get the chance to provide feedback. Depending on the objectives of the speaker, the group might be divided into task forces to keep an eye on particular aspects and debrief the speaker afterward. We also use video recording to provide in-depth analysis of a speaker’s performance.

More repetition

Sounds boring? In fact, it isn’t. For a speech to become great, it has to go through multiple iterations. In our club, we give members the opportunity to repeat a speech and incorporate the feedback they’ve received.

More advanced workshops

We hold regular advanced workshops run by members or outside experts on specific speech-related topics.

More training for Toastmasters speech contests

We encourage our members to participate in Toastmasters speech contests and dedicate special time to prepare candidates.

More coaching

We will develop a peer coaching system through which members continuously coach each other.

More visibility

We will set up a Speakers Bureau, and members will be able to present and promote themselves and as speakers on the Club website and through the Club’s online channels.

Membership benefits

  • Attend online and offline Club meetings and workshops
  • Give prepared and improvised speeches, take over meeting roles
  • Tax-deductible membership fees
  • Vote in the Membership Assembly and run for Club office
  • Become a member of Toastmasters International
  • Use Toastmasters’ Pathways education program
  • Participate in Toastmasters competitions on behalf of the Club
  • Get featured in the Club’s online Speaker Bureau and acquire new speaking opportunities (*)
  • Have your speaking engagements, workshops, publications, etc. promoted through the Club’s online channels
  • Personal Club email address ( and a G Suite account (Calendar, Hangouts, Drive, Docs, Sheets, Slides, etc.) with 30 GB of storage
  • Communicate with other Club members through our platform on Slack